Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guess who rocks my socks?!

Rushing, rushing, rushing.  That's what every work week feels like to me.  Sure, I may only work three to four days a week, but they are jam-packed weeks with very little spare time to just sit down and breathe.  Today in particular I was in a hurry to get to my home health visit at 3:30 in Plano.  I left my house shortly after 3:00 in McKinney; by the time I got on the highway it was 3:11.  This gave me exactly 19 minutes to get to my visit, approximately 15 miles away.  If you've ever driven in a populated city, you know that this is a pretty big feat, especially at the beginning of rush hour.  I just prayed as I got on the highway, "Lord, please let me get there on time." As I near my exit, I hit traffic - MAJOR traffic.  There's a huge wreck blocking two lanes.  I hear a small voice telling me to exit the frontage road, so I do.  As I get closer to my destination, nearly every light is laden with backed-up cars, but every light is green.  I'm two stop lights away from my destination with seven minutes left on the clock.  "Impossible" is the word that comes to my mind as I pick up my phone, getting ready to send a text to my client to tell them I'll be late.  "Don't bother sending a text," that small voice tells me again. So I don't.  I pull up to my home health visit with two minutes to spare. I tell God (that small voice that was leading me the whole time), "you rock my SOCKS!" Even though I'm not wearing socks today, the premise still holds true.

Little miracles happen every day - we just have to notice them and LISTEN to what God is leading us to do.  

As Ray and I have been going through the loan process for our new house, we had to fork over our recent pay stubs.  Ray and I made the realization that through the ups and downs of this year, he has brought home a meager $15,000.  And let's just say that I haven't made much more than that with my part-time salary in Early Childhood Intervention (I love my job, but as far as salaries go, it's probably the lowest-paying job for an SLP out there).  This number simply doesn't add up to everything that we have been able to receive this year.  A list of our "news" over the past two years, if you will:

New car (bought with 7 miles on it, purchased last year);
New phones;
New computer (paid in full);
New washer/drier (also paid in full);
New couch;
New TV;
New table and chairs with matching china hutch;
Misc. new tools for Ray;
Misc outrageously expensive dental work for myself;
"New" (gently used) tires for my car; and biggest and BEST of all,
NEW house, complete with a new stove, microwave and dishwasher.

Honestly, if you consider how little we've brought home in our pockets this year, there's no way that all of the above "news" add up.  No, we didn't steal anything. But our BLESSINGS (our "news," in this case), is ALL because of God and His grace and abundant mercy.  I've tried over the past several years to always give my 10% and then some, and God has never let me down.  God is ALWAYS faithful.  I can't understand why some people don't get that.  Before I gave my life to God I thought I would be losing everything just by doing so.  But what I've come to realize is that I've gained the whole world by giving my life over to Him.

Plain and simple: GOD rocks my SOCKS.  Whether I'm wearing socks or not.  ;)

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