Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I was leaving my home health visit in Plano today when I felt a still small voice say, "take the tollway."
This isn't the way I usually go, as it actually takes longer (and costs money).  But, I listened anyways and took the tollway.

It did take me a few minutes longer than usual to get to Micah's daycare to pick him up.  But when we were on our way home I found out why.

The main highway that I take to get home was blocked due to a four-car accident.  It had literally just happened.  No cops were on the scene; the victims were just getting out of their cars.  None of the cars seemed to be seriously affected (nor the people I saw), but that wasn't the point.  The fact of the matter was that it could have been me, and would have been had I not listened to God.

The experience was enough to bring tears to my eyes.  If God can handle something so great as to protect Micah and I from an accident on our way home, then there's no reason to mistrust Him when it comes to the little things.

I'm grateful I listened today.  God never disappoints.

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