"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world." 1 John 4:14
The word sent means, to cause, permit, or enable to go. I never understood the significance of that word, in combination with verse 19, until now.
The scariest thing I've had to send my son into is surgery; knowing full well that there is a chance, albeit small, that he may not wake up from the anesthesia. I have had to send my newborn daughter in for echocardiograms to see how her heart is functioning, knowing full well that there is a chance we would have to stay another night in the NICU (and we did). I can only imagine the feelings a mom may have as she sends her son or daughter off to war. A dad that sends his only son off to college. The word "send" in a human sense has much emotion tied to it, especially when paired with a person. Imagine, however, how things would be different if we could see into the future, and see what lies ahead - after we have "sent" those we love. Knowing the future with either create hope or chaos. In Gods case- He saw what would happen. He saw all the pain and anguish that his only son would have to suffer on that cross. He saw all of the sin debt put on Jesus' shoulders. He saw the moment that He would have to turn his face away from his Son, in his deepest hour of need, because the sin was too great to look upon. He saw all of that - but sent His Son anyway. Like a sheep headed to the slaughterhouse; completely blameless and innocent.
God did that for me. God did that for you. That, my friends, is love. Love that I can't understand or fathom - but by Gods example, I can show love to others as well.
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