Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Change of Plans

As mentioned in my previous post, one of the first steps in our plan for our "foster-to-adopt" saga was to take classes in February of 2014 since they would be offering them in McKinney.  We thought this would be the easiest option since classes would be held so close to home.  After sending in our application and waiting a few days, we got word that we'd basically have to take classes THIS year in either Dallas or Arlington or our file would be closed and we'd have to start over next year.  After looking at the training schedule, we realized this could actually be possible.  Ray would just have to take off two days from work, and I wouldn't have to take off any.  We weren't sure if Ray would be able to take off two Saturdays in a row (especially on such short notice), but I knew that if GOD wanted it to happen, it would happen.  Ray spoke to his boss today and got off work, so it looks like we'll be taking our first class on September 13th! :-)

Let me just say right here that I am a person of planning.  At the moment, we are NOT prepared to have another child in our house.  Not that you can ever really be prepared - but there are certain things we have to have in our home in order to be approved by the agency (such as a fire extinguisher, baby-proofing the house, diaper genie, etc. etc.) We don't have any money saved up for adoption, even though that would come at a later date much farther down the road anyways (about 9-12 months).  We also don't have a bed for another child either.  And if it's a girl (!!!) we have -zero- clothes.  I know that God will provide all of these things - but I was just thinking we had more time.

Time is another thing that has me anxious.  If we were just open to fostering children, chances are we could get children in our home very quickly.  Foster children are children that were removed from the family home, but will most-likely be reunited with their family.  Children that are "open" to adoption may take longer to get.  These are children whose parents have had (or will have) their parental rights terminated by CPS/court system.  This may take longer to "find" the right child; but I'm hoping that isn't the case. I'm hoping that by spring of next year, we will have an "open" child to adopt.

A thought came to me when I found out we'd have to move classes up or be "closed." The thought was so profound that they weren't my words at all - they were Gods.  He said,

"Classes in September, not February.
The child I have waiting for you needs your help as soon as possible."

This kind of debunks my thought on the timing issue.  The more I ruminate over these words, the more they affect me.  It nearly brings me to tears every time I think about it. Our child is out there.  Our next son or daughter.  I pray continually that God will keep them safe.  I also pray for their parents - that they will seek help and take care of our son/daughter.  That through all of this, they would seek Christ.

I know people think foster-to-adopt is an impossible process.  It's not impossible.  Domestic foster-to-adoption isn't crazy expensive either.  We will have to pay for CPR classes and first aid (which I'm already certified in - cost savings there) as well as fingerprinting (which I already have taken care of with my SLP license).  The classes and training are FREE and provided by the agency.  Ray and I are also going to a seminar in October provided by a ministry out of Irving for FREE.  Yes, it takes work.  Yes, there is a lot of paperwork.  But what mother wouldn't do anything for their child - biological or not?

Our Needs:
Pray that we can get child care for Micah for the days we have training (just five days; three Fridays and two Saturdays). Be sure to insert the word "FREE" in your prayers as we need to keep costs down and save what money we can!

Please, please pray for our "little one." Pray that God keeps them safe.  Pray that God will wipe away their tears when no one cares.  Pray that God will heal their hearts of the neglect they are probably facing.

Pray that God will give us wisdom.  Pray that God will open doors and provide.  We thank you in advance!

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