Friday, September 13, 2013

First Class: (Incorrect) Preconceived Notions

First and foremost - I apologize for any typographical errors in the post below.  I had a crown re-done yesterday and have been operating on Vicodin here and there - so I'm not really all there.  Enjoy.  :)

So we had our first class tonight!  It was just orientation and lasted three hours - but we learned a LOT about the process and the general in's and out's of foster/adoption.  One thing I loved is how much Christ was lifted up.   We even started the class with prayer!  Such a blessing to be with a room full of believers.  Here are a couple revelations from tonight:

I had the incorrect preconceived idea that as a "foster to adopt" family we would ONLY get kiddos that were most-likely going to be up for adoption.  But - there are no sure things with foster kids.  Approximately 53% of them are reunited with their families (typically another family member; not the parent).  We were encouraged to be "heavy on the foster side."  I guess I wasn't originally open to this idea because of the loss. Chances are very, VERY great that we will get attached to a child and have to let them go.  I know this will be difficult for me.  But with that, I have peace that this is what God wants for us.  This is so much more of a greater purpose than I ever could have thought of.  Where God provides a will, He always provides a way.

Ray came to the realization that we should be open to older children.  (!)  We had to fill out a survey at the end of our class asking us general info on the child(ren) we'd be open to fostering.  When Ray mentioned he'd be fine and actually more comfortable with a child 4-6 years old, I about fell out of my chair!  I stuck my ground for several minutes and argued my case as to why we should only accept 0-3 years old children, but then remembered something important.  As a Christian wife, I'm supposed to submit to my husband.  And with that thought....I honestly can't even count the times that I've let Ray "have his way" and it go awry.  So...we made a compromise and agreed on 0-5 years old.  I jokingly said, "I'll take 0-2.5 years old, and you can take the 2.5-5 year olds." We also agreed to accept a sibling group of two kids.  A family of FIVE with just a phone call - I can't even imagine it! But as Ray said..."we'll just deal with it when it comes."  Easy for him to say!  Considering the type of planning person I am - this whole deal is a HUGE leap of faith for me! Essentially, all I can do is pray, save money, and wait for who God has for us.

I still have no idea what we're doing.  I can't believe that God has lead us to this place.  But I KNOW He has.  Here's a rough list of how we got here.  I've changed names and initials for privacy reasons.

Little H: a foster kiddo I worked with back in 2011.  My heart fell for this guy.  He was a foster kiddo and was eventually adopted by his foster family.

J.W (2012): Another foster kiddo who had suffered extreme neglect.  Very hard and emotional kiddo for me.  I just wanted to hold him every minute I saw him.  He was eventually reunited with family members after being in foster care for a short time.

E. (2013): A little one adopted from Haiti.  Mom has been a huge blessing to me!!!

McC Family (2013): Adopted a boy from China.

C. (2013): Little one adopted from China.

C. (2013): Little one who was adopted via private adoption (was adopted right after birth).

As you can see - God has put the most influences in my path in just this year.  I KNOW we're on the right path - even though I can't see all the steps.  God is in this.

(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) - 2 Corinthians 5:7

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an update! We are so praying for you guys as you make all these decisions. It does require a HUGE leap of faith. I think that's exactly what God wants from us, for people to stop only taking tiny steps of calculated caution and just LEAP, completely trusting that God's got this.
