Friday, November 15, 2013

Precious Blessings

Each night Micah and I have our routine.  We read books, pray, turn on music, and turn on stars.  Some nights, Micah requests to "rock" in the chair with me.  Last Monday was such a night.  As Micah lays his head on my shoulder, I inhale deeply.  I treasure that sweet baby smell as I stroke his hair and kiss his soft skin.  Micah will always be my baby boy.

On Sunday our church family was broken to hear of the news of Cody.  The Hensley's have been members of our church for longer than Ray and I have been.  I've known Cody for years.  When the announcement was made as my Sunday school class was taking prayer requests, I broke into tears and had to excuse myself.

My friends - children are precious.  Every good parent knows it.  Every person should believe it.

The night before (last Saturday), I was telling Ray that I felt I needed a break from teaching Sunday school.  I've been teaching children at church for years - but I've grown weary.  My lesson last Sunday was about Daniel; but after hearing about Cody's passing, I knew I had to change it last minute.

I teach fourth and fifth graders in our church.  The majority of them are "bus kids" - kids that our bus ministry brings in.  Some of these kids have never heard about Jesus.  These kids don't know what it means to be Saved through faith in Him.  I knew Cody was a believer, and I knew he was in Heaven - but did these kids know that? No.  God told me without saying a word that it was now MY job to tell these kids who Jesus was.  I laid out the plan of salvation for those nine and 10-year olds.  And just like that - God reminded me of my purpose for teaching.  I may get weary - but I'm there to tell those kids who Jesus was and how He can give us the everlasting life after this life is over.

Cody was a sweet young man that I remember as always respectful and kind.  I saw him at VBS this past summer and remember telling Julie (his mom) - "when did he get so old?!" Cody had grown up into a fine and handsome young man that I was proud to know.  He was a great kid, and will always be remembered as such.

My grief this past week wasn't so much over Cody's passing - but it was for his mom, Julie.  As a mom with one son, my heart can't fathom the pain of losing him.  Every time I would think about the accident, or think about Cody, I would picture myself in Julie's shoes.  As a mom, my heart is broken for her.  My heart ached when I saw the pictures of the accident.  My eyes wept when I saw his casket this morning.  I saw a former member of our church at the funeral today, and while hugging my neck she said, "they are all our babies, aren't they?" It's true.  Once you become a parent, it doesn't matter the age difference - we are all the parents of the children at our church, big and small.  Through this tragedy we have all come together in our hearts and wept with Julie over the passing of Cody.  My heart weeps for her even now.

This year has been a year of sadness.  Sweet Jesse was the first, then my Addi-Beau, and now Cody.  I also found out this past week that one of my ECI babies is in the last stages of his disease.  I pray that his parents will be able to give him one more Christmas.  These losses remind me of who is in control.  Every day is a gift.  Children are a precious privilege.  If you have children in your life, hug them tighter.  And since we are all God's children - we all deserve a hug.  Don't miss an opportunity to say "I love you" to someone.  It may be the last time you have the chance.

Please continue to pray for the Hensley family.  Pray deeply.

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