Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stormy Nights

Last night before I went to bed I prayed that God would make me into the Christian wife and mother that he wants me to be.  I pray for this quite often, as every wife and mom should.  Of course, I didn't know that God was going to work on his "shaping" process last night, either.

12:20 am - extremely loud thunder accompanied by very bright lightening wakes me up.  Micah has never woken up during a storm before, but I keep my ears perked, waiting for his cry.  I can feel Ray shaking next to me, but he's asleep.  I gently wake him up and ask, "why are you shaking?" Then, sure enough...

12:25 am - Micah starts screaming his head off hysterically.  When I go into his room, he is clearly terrified and shaking.  I pick him up and realize that he has a very dirty diaper and he's wet all over.  I change his diaper and clothes, and pick him back up.  That kid has never held onto to me so tight before! Like I had a baby appendage or something.  Go back into Ray and he's shaking, saying "I'm freezing." Of course, I know he is NOT freezing as evidenced by the wicked-hot temperature his body is.  I check his temp, and its 100.5.  He had already been having some stomach issues that evening.  I told him, "don't be surprised if its the flu." Gave him some Tylenol and ibuprofen and told him to drink a glass of water.

12:35 am - Ray throws up the entire contents of his stomach.  Luckily, in the toilet (blessings come in all shapes and sizes and places!!) I stand in the doorway with my baby appendage wrapped around my neck, waiting to hand Ray and cool washcloth. After he finishes, I give him more ibuprofen - this time with a sip of water instead.

12:45 am - I lay down with Micah and Ray in bed.  This would be a sweet way to end the episode we all just experienced, except for the fact that Micah won't lay down.  Of course, he's wide awake.  I try rocking, playing music, etc. etc. in his room and repeatedly (3+ times) to lay him down in his bed so he'll go back to sleep.  He finally does, at...

2:30am. Finally, some sweet sleep until morning. (?)

6:00 am.  Micah has a different concept of "morning," apparently.  He's screaming hysterically, but this time it seems for a different purpose.  Once again, he's soaking wet.  I go through the change-diaper change-clothes routine again and then assume he's teething because no soothing is working.  Finally get some oragel in his mouth ((struggle)), give him a snack, and he's back in bed by...


All this to say that last night was indeed eventful, but I know it had a purpose.  Being a mom isn't easy.  Being a wife isn't easy.  But being both at the same time, and responding to calls from both sides simultaneously - that's a gift.  It's almost 11:00 now (no church for us this morning) and I'm still quite tired.  But I'm grateful that God chose me to be the wife to Ray and the mom to Micah.
God answers prayers - and sometimes in ways that we wouldn't expect.

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